
I live for it. It is simply what I do. 

…And I love it. 

I have so many things to write about and reflect on that have happened over the past few days. But I guess I will just start with this. 

My life always seems to fall into place in the midst of what people consider to be chaos. 

I just got back from a fabulous trip to LA, where we were up every morning before 6 am (at the latest). The weekend away included a trip to the beach, too much eating, a half-marathon, and Disneyland! I came back feeling like a little kid all over again; as the reality of work and school actually left my mind for a bit. 

Reality sure made its dramatic entrance right back in though. School started today (I am taking more credits than usual). And why not add on the fact that I am taking on a second job… on top of being a student, coaching, supervising, and Greek life.

It’s a beautiful mess that I truly believe will lead me in the right direction some day… As I say, someone’s gotta do it.  


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