Writing you off

I wrote you off from the beginning as trouble. 

I wrote you off as something I should never begin to know. 

I wrote you off again after I let you in. 

And now I can’t even begin to write a single word.  It wasn’t supposed to go this way. I wasn’t ever supposed to get to know you. I knew from the beginning that it wouldn’t go anywhere, but it did. I was wrong. 

It started with fear and nerves. I didn’t know where it was going and I never wanted it to start. But I had a compassionate heart and I couldn’t help but give into what you were. As I shared it with you, you let me right in. And from there I was lost. 

Lost in the idea that I was somewhere I shouldn’t be, but it just worked. You understood me. You taught me to see things differently. You still understand me. With you I can just be. I love to hate it. 

I hate that you know my highs and lows. I hate that you know just what to say. I hate that you have perfect timing. I hate that you will do all the little things to make me happy, keep me warm, and let me snuggle up. 

I hate that I just now truly know you love to hate it too after all this time. I hate that you care just as much as I do and always have, because I wrote you off a long time ago.  I thought I was just another one along the way. But I am not and neither are you. 

But it will never be that simple. I will always love to hate it and so now I am doing my best to walk away. But this time writing anything off is the hardest sentence I’ve ever tried to start. 

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