Actions speak louder than words… or selfies/tweets/posts/and everything in-between

I can sit here and write whatever I want you to think of me to be.

I can fulfill your hopes that I am some inspirational person, who strives to make the world a better place. Although that would be great, I am not.

And just because I can put on a show that I am, doesn’t mean I am going to be that person either.

I am beginning to feel like our culture is being taken over by the ‘idea’ of what we are doing, rather than doing what we are doing. We have developed this need to claim who we are, rather than to just be.

So sure, I am just as guilty of the #tweets, inspirational quote posting, and selfies… but they aren’t to make you think I am something I am not.

I am a raw, in the moment, expressive person. I believe in making people happy. This wasn’t something I chose to please you, or even my momma for that matter. It was who I became naturally.

It is the result of parents who have always loved me unconditionally. The result of learning what does and doesn’t work by trial and error. It was learning to own those mistakes. It has been a series of trying new things and changing others.

But most importantly, it has been a matter of embracing the moments.

Not the moments I caught to post on Instagram. But the kind that feed the soul…

Like the feeling of how my Nana always rubbed me down after a bath when I was little girl. And the way she always seemed to have the warmest of hugs and a twinkle in her eye.

Or the reassurance of friends in life that have undoubtedly always been there; even if it means surprising me at the end of a marathon.

Like the feeling of rolling down your windows as you approach your small town and just knowing that you’re home.

Or the way that each day brings new hope in every sunrise.

Like that feeling of accomplishment when you finally finish something that you’ve set your mind to… A lifting PR works just great for me 😉

I could go on about all those little things…But you get the point.

Life is about passion. Life is about thriving and seeking the unknown. Life is about doing.

That’s the beauty of living. You become by what you discover and experience… not, what you say. So stop with the image and go out there and ‘do’.

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