Go jump off the edge.

Somehow I’ve found myself on the brink of a meltdown and miracle. There sure is a fine line of teetering when throwing caution to the wind. You let go of everything you know in hopes of the fact that everything you want is out there.

Sounds like one hell of a risk to me.

But you find a way to make it work.

While you tumble between what you left behind and where you’re going, there’s a rare form of beauty in the chaos.

The beauty of happiness, uncertainty, and risk. It’s moments like these that define us.

I am quickly learning where I was, where I am, and where I need to be. There’s a long way before settling, but embracing change is everything to me.

I was amongst the warmth of loving friends. I was thriving somewhere where I never thought I would be. I found happiness in a city that I once refused to consider. I created a routine, a familiarity. But most importantly, a family.

But as usual, I woke up one day and knew it was time to go. Time to spend that energy on something else; something more. I had this beautiful idea in my head of how it was going to be and it always ends up being something much different than that. But different is good.

Different is right where I have needed to be. Different is teaching me to appreciate what I have, where I am going, and what I have created.

What I know now is that what may be the basis of all that you know, the foundation to who you have come to be, may just be a stepping stone. Sometimes what you’re most comfortable with is the one thing you need to find some way to walk away from.

Walk far, far away.
Actually, scratch that. Run.
Go jump off the edge.

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