chasing ambition & Aussies.

IMG_2424Lately, I feel as though I have been tied to bills, my to-do list, and the little hiccups life throws your way. I have a driven personality that allows me to keep going and make it all seem okay. But to be quite frank, it is exhausting.

While some might call it “adult-ing”, I want to recognize that I am well aware of the fact that being an adult requires grueling hours like this. But I also know that I don’t know how to stop working. I never know what is enough and when to kick my feet up and say “F*ck it, I’ll take a margarita on the rocks.” That kind of a attitude just doesn’t happen for a girl who is living in Los Angeles and is dependent on her small income and side money from coaching. Instead, she is up in the wee hours of the morning to get her life together and make sure that her days are well executed.

But then, one night it did.

I sat at the bar with a friend while I was on the verge of tears from the fear of the unknown with my career and the frustration of barely getting by with a margarita in hand. And while this doesn’t sound like any sort of situation to be making quick decisions, it is always the best time to to tap into your spark.

What lights you up? What are you waiting for? Is it pulling on your heart strings? Then do it. Make something happen and commit to standing behind your idea… even if you fail. This is life and you are living. Every amazing outcome comes from great risk… Or at least that is what all the quoted successful people say.

So, this morning I am writing this after a night of purchasing my flights to Australia for a bucket list trip I have always wanted to go on and the ambition to putting myself out there ever further to chase my dreams. Sometimes you just have to pick your own self up by the boot straps and keep striving to do great things.

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