a shift.

It all began on an early February morning in the LAX airport.

With wheelie luggage in tow, I was headed up to visit my sister and friends who warm my heart. I was in a state of uncertainty and change. I had just taken on the opportunity to spend more time coaching CrossFit and would soon be spending less time smiling as women told me that their lululemon pants were sheer.

Change; the one constant in life. A state that I, personally, love to embrace. But this one turned my world spinning a whole new direction.

He caught my eye in line for security. He flies for business, so he got priority over the rest of us who were sleepy-eyed, staring at our phones in a snaked line. His presence instantly sparked my interest. (Note: that hardly ever happens)

As he vanished away in a sea of people, I was determined to catch his attention. Debating whether it was too early in the morning for this sort of interest, I made my way to the monster of a line at Starbucks. Of course, he was then standing five people in front of me. Thinking this was too good to be true, I convinced myself that he must have some sort of lame name and a terrible drink order (like a frappuccino). But he didn’t. We had the same order. So after paying for mine, I waited anxiously with a glance his way every so often.

I was on full alert when he grabbed his drink from the counter and walked by to say, “Good morning, how are you?” With the quickest response and smile of “Good morning to you too! Great how are you?!”, I picked up my order and walked (sprinted) to my gate.

After kicking myself for not turning around to sit with him, I strategically sat near the walkway so that I could watch him walk to where his gate was. (I sound like a complete stalker)

It was directly across from mine.
To keep the story simple, we made eye contact several times as I kept tabs on his wandering about the terminal. With ten minutes to spare before we both boarded separate flights and one more look my way, I worked up the nerve to walk myself, with wheelie luggage in tow, right up to him and introduce myself. And that was it.

IMG_2935Now I am writing this as someone who can’t even find the words to explain how letting a man like him into my life has shifted my whole being.

Mornings mean more when you wake up to someone who will do anything for you, who will listen to what weighs on your heart and also knows when to pretend like he is listening because you are really just talking to yourself. He has allowed me to share my scary life dream of becoming a nurse and undoubtably supports me in whatever schooling is necessary. He wants the best for me, as I do for him. His presence has shifted me into believing in bringing lives together and that no matter where we go or what we do, we are always on the same team.

I suppose it is true when they say you just never know when you’ll meet someone. It sure was the last thing I was expecting at 6:00 am in an airport that serves a major hub for the country. But out of all the chances to have never met this man, I cannot begin to thank God enough for bringing him into my life.